January 12, 2010

Final Semester

  • Three random Class ACB8A students wearing baju kurung and our matching crocs on the first day of this January 2010 semester. Even though we're final semester students, we still get excited on our first day that we even made the effort to match our baju kurungs with the colour of our shoes, and this was purely coincidental.

  • Hoping for a GREAT semester ahead! (Notice the matching font colour too? Hehe.)

January 11, 2010


  • I see you.
  • It's another way of saying the scared three words, Avatar way. It simply means "I can feel what you feel..". In a more tense situation, it means "I will fight with alongside you, no matter what..". How romantic...romantic in its simplest of forms.
  • Definitely a must-watch sci-fi movie.

January 3, 2010

Sleepless Night

  • I am terribly sleepy but my mind has been like 3 choo-choo trains colliding into one another these past 2 days. My dad's beemer was stolen at a hotel valet parking yesterday (ok, i've lost track of time, it was on Friday and now it is supposed to be a 2am Sunday already). Yes it is just a car and I'm thankful that it is a "thing" and not a person, but its our "Hak" (belonging). Our hak has been taken from us as a result of other people's negligence. I know everything happens for a reason - this is maybe a wake-up call to my dad that anything we own can be taken away from us anytime, anywhere. All it takes is a little whisper of Kun Fayakun of the AlMighty. However, we are still breathing and the material costs are ours to bear. Loan repayments have to be made still, and insurance does not cover negligence, thus all measures have to be considered to obtain compensation. If we have go back and forth to the courts, so be it. Game on Prince Hotel and Residence!!
  • This is excluding the FACT that we love the car. I LOVE THE CAR. It's a collector's items. How many white BMW M6 can you find in the world??? (Mode: Materialistic). Attachment issues also have to be considered. This indeed adds to the frustration and thus another train in my head. Flashes of images of the car not being taken care of, of the Godforsaken thief and his accomplices driving the car like crazy because it's not theirs, of them enjoying its M-power before selling it off in a foreign neighbouring country. Where is it?? I want it back. Kesian M6...
  • 3rd train: Police investigations + Lawyers + Recalls of that Friday. Thank you to Aunty Ummi and Uncle Shukri who are helping to speed up police investigations - unfortunately in Malaysia if urgency is in play, you would need to have strong cables. My mum is still friends with her mum even though we are no longer friends, alhamdulillah. Lawyers - fortunately Aunty Dina is helping to push the hotel to settle this out of court - assuming the hotel would want to retain its public image. And last but not least, the state of shock we were all in when we found out the car and the key were missing, one hour of being in the state of denial by thinking maybe one of the jockey took the car for a fun ride.
  • My deep fear that the hotel will come up with a good defend in avoidance to pay more than a million ringgit for the value of the car itself. After all, it is a hefty million ringgit and not just a thousand. Of course they will be plotting a good case against my dad. This is if they want to proceed with legal battle..of which I wish it would not be.
  • Everything is just fuzzy now......then there is the long wait for the anticipated outcome. For any good news.. and for my dad to be ok..again.
