Both dresses: By Syahrir Nurdin.
They are perfect for both of us even from the first fitting. No expensive and fine kain needed, the designer had managed to work with these difficult materials (mine was embroidered net, and the embroidery is like wire) with no complaint (I've heard designer stories who would fuss over clients' cheap kain).
He even designed both of the piece:
My top was cropped diagonally to give a slight tilt to my left, yet the border was still even. My skirt had quite a big flare, which I have never ever in my life would think I can pull it off. He even reassured me and insisted profusely that I was not fat when I was doubtful whether the short top and flared skirt will look ok on me.
My mum's trims at the bottom and side were neatly placed and sewed together to form the frame of her lovely jubah.
This is simply to say, Syahrir Nurdin managed to wow us with true designer and tailor skills, with little of our own imagination.
Hence why I wanted to post this up so much; I think designers like Syahrir Nurdin should be recognised and publicised positively, even better than those stuck-up and overpriced ones. Hopefully the hospitality will remain as he becomes famous amongst the ladies (professionally of course). The trip to his boutique at Shah Alam Mall that cost us RM350 each dress was worth every ringgit.
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