This post is dedicated to my newly-born sister who is 2 days today..
She was born on 22 July 2011 at 10.06pm and weighs 2.85kg.
The name given is the beautiful Khadeeja Khairil, also the name of our Opah and wife of our beloved Prophet Rasulullah SAW.
Honestly Khadeeja, given the circumstances of our family, when your mother was pregnant, I did not give much thought as to how I would feel when you would leave your mummy's womb and into the world.
Abah was on the driveway when I bumped into him that night you were born. He was in the car, engine on, smoking, when I asked him "Abah nak gi mana?" He looked at me with that innocent look and replied "To the hospital. Someone nak deliver". Emotionless, I said "Oh". Abah did ask me to come along, but I declined. This was around 9pm.
I did not think much afterwards.
Around 10.30pm, as I was sorting out pictures on my laptop, I received a BBM msg from Abah. The next thing I knew I was looking at your very first picture, and before I can think of anything, I was crying because....I am in love.
I could not content myself from crying because you are so beautiful, so untouched, so pure and innocent, and it is just impossible to not care about you.
I was even crying profusely on the phone when I talked to my boyfriend, Hilmi, who was kind enough to drive me to DEMC so I can meet you on the first day you were born. It was near midnight, he has to work on the next day and so I could not thank him enough.
True enough, I was in love and I could not stop looking at you and feel so lucky that now, we have 3 girls in the family to match up to the 3 boys.
(See my mata yang lebam from all the crying..hehe malu je)
Diyana Khairil (04.09.1987)
Khalis Khairil (24.08.1991)
Khaliff Khairil (09.11.1996)
Khafiz Khairil (30.09.1998)
Ellynna Khairil (25.01.2001)
Khadeeja Khairil (22.07.2011)
You were born through an emergency C-section, and because your tali pusat was wrapped around your face, mummy's doctor needed to dig you out with a spatula, and hence the marks on your face and your head. But today, the marks are slowly disappearing. See your pretty pictures above. =)
So..welcome to the Khairil's family. PS: We are very dysfunctional, but with lots of love, Abah reminded me that night that he loves each and everyone of us. Praise to Allah for making you a healthy baby, and Praise to Allah for your arrival in our family.
Whatever decisions our parents make, whatever problems that should come, whatever tests that this family should have to face, I will make sure that all our brothers and sisters will stick together, like a really cool team. <3
By the time you read this, I think you will understand who your mother is, who Kakak Elly's mother is, and who my mother is, but you will also understand that we are FAMILY.
You are a Khairil, and therefore will always forever be my baby sister. Just like Kakak Elly.
With Unconditional Love, Kak Diyana.
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