What is it like to have one's own family? (Ok terasa mcm Carrie Bradshaw opening line kejap! lol!)
I see my uncle who were once never seemed ready to settle down, now having a family of his own.
I see my uncle n aunty who had to get divorced to realise they still love each other, hence tied the knot for the 2nd time.
I see my aunty adopting a perfect baby as her own daughter..
It seems like yesterday when they were still young and singles. But judging from the WHEN'S YOUR TURN questions i got from yesterday's family gathering, I can feel my time is coming when they are eager to watch me in turn.
To me it is about having a perfect relationship, the one with the physical and chemical attraction as well as Respect for each other. But I must admit it is hard to sustain one. I guess it is about finding a balance, tolerating your partner's weaknesses while eliminating your own, hoping your partner will do the same.
As happy as I am, there are many questions I need to answer to myself before I embark on this family journey, because when I do, I want it to be a PERFECT one.
Yea, I am a dreamer.