I am terribly sleepy but my mind has been like 3 choo-choo trains colliding into one another these past 2 days. My dad's beemer was stolen at a hotel valet parking yesterday (ok, i've lost track of time, it was on Friday and now it is supposed to be a 2am Sunday already). Yes it is just a car and I'm thankful that it is a "thing" and not a person, but its our "Hak" (belonging). Our hak has been taken from us as a result of other people's negligence. I know everything happens for a reason - this is maybe a wake-up call to my dad that anything we own can be taken away from us anytime, anywhere. All it takes is a little whisper of Kun Fayakun of the AlMighty. However, we are still breathing and the material costs are ours to bear. Loan repayments have to be made still, and insurance does not cover negligence, thus all measures have to be considered to obtain compensation. If we have go back and forth to the courts, so be it. Game on Prince Hotel and Residence!!