A short trip to Pangkor has got me to thinking. I am 22 years old and I have my future planned ahead of me. I am an aspiring accountant, ever since Accounting was the extra subject I took on top of Pure Science subjects in secondary school. In uni, it later evolved to working with one of the big 4 accounting firms, of which during my practical semester, Pricewaterhouse Coopers has become my choice out of the big 4. I hold on to the fact that being a practicing accountant gives one the invaluable working experience to fast-track salary upgrades commercially.
However, after exploring my self-interest even further, I have realised that being an accountant is only part of another plan; a quest to reach my financial freedom. It is all about the money. It has always been about the money, about buying the BMW M3 and those Gucci bags with my own earnings.
But what happens after? What happens if I give up along the way? What happens to my real-interest?
I dream to live by the beach. I dream of waking up smelling the ocean and feeling its breeze sweeping over my face. I love the feeling of sand underneath my feet and resting on a hammock with palm trees shadowing over me, and feeding my eyes with the azure waters of the ocean. If i own a jetski, I would just take-off towards the horizon whenever I feel like speeding. Man..I can go on and on and on about the beach.
Being close to the ocean makes me feel at peace with myself, as when I am close to the nature, I feel like the fast-paced life is not so important anymore, that there is more beauty and wonders that God has layed before us, for us to be close to ourselves and to Him. .for the short period of time we have in this "world". Gucci bags certainly won't give me this feeling. =P
So perhaps, like Uncle Shaari (Aunty Aishah, Melissa, and Munir), I would like to have a resort of my own, so I can have a reason to be by the beach all the time, and still earns a good living, insyaAllah. At least I will be loving what I do. It is not as simple as I would like it to be, but every success starts with a dream. Right? This is rightfully mine.
The picture at the top are the 2 generations. Us with Melissa and Munir, while our parents with their parents, Uncle Shaari and Aunty Aishah. Together as a family, they own and run Anjungan Beach Resort, which has received good ratings so far. The resort is ranked no. 2 in Pangkor. The picture below is their resort, with the sampan shaped pool with jacuzzi and the lovely Aunty Aishah.
Hope to come back soon.. =)