"Sayang" is my favourite malay word. It transpires the warmth of love, because the word itself is very gentle yet deep. When someone calls me sayang, I feel loved, I feel special, and now I am longing for that feeling again. As for my love towards others, when I do call someone Sayang..i spell it letter by letter and rarely use shortform..because it is just such a lovely word and because I want them to actually FEEL how much they mean to me. To me, the shortform "syg" pulls the beauty out of the word because it would look duller, whereas SAYANG.......makes the feeling when you read it with your eyes just different altogether..it races to the heart straight away.. I hope I'm making sense to my readers, if there is any. =]

And as I have accustomed myself to "sayang" for 5 years, I have in some way forgotten how I could be happy and special without him. I cried and cried, I confided in people, felt angry and depressed, and I blamed myself, for losing him and for not trying harder. All this because I thought I've lost sayang..when in fact, sayang (love) was passing me by, not from only one person, but from more than 10 different people. The pictures above describe my life, My Life When I Didn't Notice It. Sayang has now become something MUCH more than before..and hopefully there will be more to come..Ameen.